19th Annual Shorebird Festival at Jamaica Bay (8/24) (Free)
- Free
Shorebirds are a diverse group with approximately 235 species, and August is the perfect time to explore the diversity of New York City’s shorebirds! The Shorebird Festival at Jamaica Bay is a partnership among NYC Bird Alliance (formerly NYC Audubon), American Littoral Society, Jamaica Bay-Rockaway Parks Conservancy, Gateway National Recreation Area, and NYC Plover Project. Join us in learning all about these beautiful birds and explore the natural habitat of the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, filled with marshland, fresh and brackish water ponds, and grassy fields.
The festival itself begins at 10:00 AM, but early birds can meet at 9:00 at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center for a hike to the East Pond with shorebird experts.
Register here. No limit. Free.
Accessibility and Directions:
Restrooms are available at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center. The Visitor Center is a one-mile walk from the Broad Channel A subway station; it is also accessible via the Q21 and Q53 buses. Free parking is available in the Visitor Center lot. Visit the National Park Service website for the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge for comprehensive directions by public transportation and car.
Photo: Ruddy Turnstones and Black-bellied Plovers gather on the salt marsh of Jamaica Bay. Credit: Don Riepe
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