Members-Only: Governors Island Bird and Habitat Tour (9/28)

09/28/2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET


  • Free


Join NYC Bird Alliance (formerly NYC Audubon) bird guide Annie Barry and The Trust For Governors Island's horticulture team to spot birds and learn about the built habitat on Governors Island. The island is host to a wide array of avian visitors in the fall, including raptors, woodpeckers, warblers, and other songbirds. Though substantially transformed over the past few centuries, the island’s placement in the middle of NY harbor makes it a natural stopover spot for migrating birds.


Registration required. NYC Bird Alliance members only. Limited to 20.


Accessibility and Directions: 

If you need to get in touch with Annie Barry on the day of the event, please contact her via text, not phone call. Contact information will be available after registering.


The Governors Island ferry is free on weekends before noon, but if you plan to arrive in the afternoon, you will need to purchase ferry tickets. Governors Island contains a variety of terrain, from hilly, grassy areas to paved and cobble stone paths. The latter can be difficult to walk on with strollers, for example. Public restrooms are located a short distance away from the Colonels Row House.


Photo: A glittering male Tree Swallow perches on a budding spring branch. Credit: Lloyd Spitalnik

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