Climate Week: Birding Gems of Clove Lakes Park with Gabriel Willow (9/22)

09/22/2024 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM ET


  • $28.00  -  Members Pricing
  • $42.00  -  General Admission


Kick off Climate Week 2024 by journeying to the green Staten Island to discover some of the beautiful forests and incredible birding spots at Clove Lakes Park. Numerous warblers, vireos, tanagers, and other migratory songbirds can be seen here. We'll even see one of the largest and oldest trees in NYC.


Registration required. $28 for NYC Bird Alliance (formerly NYC Audubon) members, $42 for non-members. Limited to 15.


Accessibility and Directions:

This park contains a mix of paved and unpaved paths on hilly terrain. Restrooms can be found on Clove Road and Victory Blvd. The S53 and SIM35 are accessible nearby, and unmetered parking can be found around the perimeter of the park.



Photo: Notice the patterned undertail of this perched Yellow-bellied Cuckoo. Credit: David Speiser

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