Intro to Birding in the Central Park Ramble with Tod Winston (9/7) (Free)
09/07/2024 08:30 AM - 11:30 AM ET
- Free
Are you curious about birding but don’t have much (or any) experience? Join NYC Bird Alliance's (formerly NYC Audubon) Tod Winston on a relaxed fall stroll in Central Park to go over birding basics and see sparrows, finches, woodpeckers, ducks, and more. Binoculars available upon request.
Registration required. Limited to 15. Free.
Accessibility and Directions:
Central Park generally contains paved and unpaved paths of varying inclines, but we will stick to paths most comfortable for everyone. The A, B, and C train lines are closest to the meeting spot, as are M7, M11, and M72 bus stops.
Photo: A perched male Red-bellied Woodpecker shows his striped back and red cap. Credit: Dave Ostapiuk.
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