Intro to Birding at Jamaica Bay with Tod Winston (9/15) (Free)

09/15/2024 09:30 AM - 01:30 PM ET


  • Free


Are you curious about birding but don’t have much (or any) experience? Join NYC Bird Alliance's (formerly NYC Audubon) Tod Winston a relaxed stroll in Jamaica Bay to go over birding basics and look for wading birds, raptors, shorebirds, waterfowl, warblers, and more. Binoculars available upon request. 


Registration required. Limited to 15. Free.


Accessibility and Directions:

Restrooms are available at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center. The Visitor Center is a one-mile walk from the Broad Channel A subway station; it is also accessible via the Q21 and Q53 buses. Free parking is available in the Visitor Center lot. Visit the National Park Service website for the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge for comprehensive directions by public transportation and car.


Photo: American Wigeon (here, a male) are among the many waterfowl species that spend the colder months in Jamaica Bay. Credit: Isaac Grant

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