Mandarin-English Bilingual Birding at Sunset Park (11/9) (Free)

11/09/2024 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM ET


  • Free


Join bird guide Xinyi Zhang for a Mandarin-English bilingual bird outing in the small but beautiful Sunset Park. This green space is known to provide breathtaking views of Manhattan, especially at sunset. A wide variety of birds have also been sighted here, including Brown-headed Cowbirds, Cedar Waxwings, and Common Nighthawks.


The group will meet in front of the Sunset Park Recreation Center located at 4200 7th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11232. Registration not required but encouraged. No limit. Free.




本次英语/普通话双语观鸟活动由和领队Xinyi Zhang(张心怡)带队,我们将一同探索小而美的日落公园。日落公园坐拥令人窒息的曼哈顿天际线景观,在日落时分更为动人。同时,我们能在日落公园看到为数众多的不同鸟类,包括褐头牛鹂、雪松太平鸟和美洲夜鹰。





Accessibility and Directions/无障碍设施和抵达方式:

Sunset Park contains grassy areas and paved paths. The closest trains to the meeting spot are the D at the 9 Av station, and the N/W/R at 45 Street. Restrooms can also be found in the park.





Photo: A male Black-throated Blue Warbler stands attentively. Credit: Lorraine Minns.

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