Bird Behavior: Birding and Photography with LR2 PHOTO STUDIO (9/7) (Free)

09/07/2024 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM ET


  • Free


Join NYC Bird Alliance (formerly NYC Audubon) and the Bronx's LR2 PHOTO STUDIO for a special event filled with birding and photography in Crotona Park. Crotona Park's meadows, flowering trees, and sizable pool provide excellent habitat for a variety of birds including woodpeckers, warblers, and wading birds. Come take photos, look through binoculars, or just vibe!


Cameras, binoculars, and Spanish-English field guides will be provided. Beginners (in both birding and photography) and fellow Bronxites are especially welcome!


The group will meet at the Nature Center located within the park on 1702 Crotona Ave, on the eastern shoreline of Indian Pond. Registration not required but encouraged. No Limit. Free.


Accessibility and Directions: 

Crotona Park contains mostly flat terrain and is accessible via the Bx11, Bx15, Bx17 bus. The 2 and 5 trains also stop near the park on 174th Street. The Nature Center contains restrooms.



Photo: An American Black Duck emerges from the water. Credit: Glenn Upton

Neon CRM by Neon One