Join Our Flock!

Help us protect wild birds and preserve New York City’s natural areas. You’ll enjoy great benefits while knowing that your membership dues will be used locally, for conservation and education programs right here in your own backyard.  


Already a NYC Bird Alliance member? Click here to renew your membership today.


Is this a gift membership for someone else? Click here to give the gift of membership.


For membership questions or more information, please email or call 212-691-7483.


After submitting this form, please check your email for your membership confirmation, which includes your Membership Discount Code. With that code you will receive 30% off most trips and classes (student/senior level and above). 


In a few weeks, you will receive a membership card in the mail, which includes your Membership Discount Code on the front. Click here to view membership benefits for each level of membership. 


As a NYC Bird Alliance member you'll enjoy:


30% discount on most trips and classes

Invitations to free members-only birding walks

Early registration for most trips and classes

1-year subscription to our newsletter, The Urban Audubon

Subscription to our monthly E-newsletter The eGret


For a detailed outline of all member levels and benefits, click here




Please note that NYC Bird Alliance never sells or shares email or contact information with anyone for any reason.



NYC Bird Alliance's monthly e-newsletter, The eGret, features breaking news, program reminders, and special opportunities for members. Many member events are ONLY publicized through The eGret.



Any questions or comments? Please reach out to or 212-691-7483.



Your gift to NYC Bird Alliance is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. New York City Bird Alliance, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. A copy of the latest Annual Financial Report may be obtained online at or or upon request from the New York State Office of the Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10005 or NYC Bird Alliance, 71 West 23rd Street, Suite 1523, New York, NY 10010.


Other Donation Amount :
Neon CRM by Neon One